Club Synergy

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3 ways to keep exercise engaging!

We get it, exercising through the winter months can be a slog, it’s cold, usually wet and we’re all just trying to keep all the balls in the air until we can stop for the Festive Break.

At times like this, finding ways to keep exercise fun is more important than ever. That’s why we’re sharing these three suggestions to keep you moving into the New Year.

1. Alphabetise your Exercise

For each of the next 26 days, find an activity or online workout to try that begins with a different letter of the alphabet. Here are a few to get you started Aerobics, Barre, Cycling… ok, you’re allowed a little creative licence for X.

2. Re-discover something that made you laugh as a child

Build an indoor assault course or start a pillow fight or game of tag/tig/it/het/chasies with those in your household Read about the one of the longest lasting games of tag HERE for some inspiration.

OR think back to the more formal classes and activities that brought you joy as a child - tap dancing, rugby, karate etc and see if you can remember some of the key moves or steps.

Take it a step further (sorry!) and teach someone else in the house a few of your signature moves - granted it might just be the cat. But a tap dancing cat could just be the next TikTok sensation!

3. Sign up for a New Year Challenge and get training now

January is a time for fresh starts and resolutions and there are plenty challenges out there to help keep your exercise mojo high. ? Taking part in RED January is a great way to join an inspiring, supportive exercise community while raising funds for mental health charity, Sport in Mind

And of course you can always join one of our FOUR FREE NETwalks a week for great business and life chat AND getting your step count in without even thinking about it.