Club Synergy

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5 ways to help reach your step goal when you're stuck indoors

Photo by @evepsf30

Sometimes, we need to stay indoors and yet that little device on your wrist or app on your ‘phone continues to beep at you to “get moving”. Here we share a few ideas to help you reach that step goal and maintain your winning streak while stuck inside.

  1. March or jog on the spot while waiting for the kettle to boil…

    This coupled with the steps back and fore to the fridge for milk will add a good few steps. As an added incentive., try and beat your total numbers of steps each time you boil the kettle.

  2. Dance to every 10th song on your playlist/that comes on the radio…

    If you’re in the habit of listening to music while you work, make a point of dancing to every 10th song. You have permission to wait until song number 11 if it’s a power ballad!

  3. Walk around the house while on a ‘phone call to a colleague or customer…

    Not only will this get your step count up, it helps you to think more clearly and improves problem solving, encourage your ‘phone buddy to walk too and double the creativity!

  4. Invest in a standing desk…

    If you’re not sure whether working standing up is for you, there are some reasonably priced options that convert a regular desk, kitchen table or even bed to an elevated desk. Check out this one.

  5. Set up 2 working areas in your home…

    Move between them as you change tasks, this doesn’t need to be in different rooms, getting up and moving to the other side of the kitchen table will get some steps in and help you change state and get focused before the next task.