Club Synergy

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If only we were more like geese...3 business and life lessons from the natural world.

Photo by Jan-Niclas Aberle

Often the natural world points the way when it comes to displays of teamwork. Recently I heard something about the extent to which geese look after each other and it brought to mind some business and life lessons that are all too easy to forget:

  1. When the journey is long, protect your energy and use the different strengths of the team

    The classic V formation of a skein of geese provides a way of letting the strongest members of the team strike out in front, preparing an easier way for those behind. As the geese at the front tire, others move in to take their place (a bit like a peloton in cycling) and the previous leaders drop back for a rest.

  2. Leave no-one behind

    When one of their number is hurt or injured, their partner (they mate for life) and other family members go to ground with them until they are well enough to fly again. This is why you often see smaller groups of 3 or so geese. When the worst happens, no goose is ever left to die alone.

  3. Lift your face to the sun

    As we know, geese migrate to warmer climes. For me, this is a reminder to seek out the “sunshine” both physically by getting outside in it whenever possible AND metaphorically by looking for the positive in every day