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Growing your team? - 8 questions to help shape job roles

You have more business than you can handle and you need to grow your team.

You need someone to come in and wear some of the countless hats that you’ve been wearing and quickly swapping since start up!

But just how do you begin to get clear about the new roles you really need?

Here are 8 questions to ask yourself to help shape the job description for your next hire…


  1. If you were explaining your job to a young child, what would you say?

  2. If you could only do 3 things in your role that would make a difference to business performance, what would they be?

  3. If you replaced yourself with a personality/celebrity – who would you choose and why?

  4. If you had to “bin” the parts of what you do which seems most pointless, what would you choose and why?

  5. If your business was a car, what kind of car would it be?  Why did you give this answer?

  6.   How do you know when you have done a great job?

  7. You’ve won the lottery and are taking off for a world cruise, what are the most import things you need to do before you leave?

  8. For what reasons, could your job NOT be done by a robot?