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5 Reasons to Keep Walking through Winter

by @ganesapana

As the nights draw in and the days get shorter, getting outside and keeping active becomes more of a challenge as everything on the To-Do list fights for our attention. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, using some of our limited winter daylight to get outside brings positive health and wellbeing benefits, Here are 5 reasons to keep walking through winter

1 . You burn more calories walking in winter..

Studies suggest that time spent in cold temperatures could boost calorie burn by up to 30 percent. Even getting out for a short walk can have fat-burning properties so you can reward yourself with that hot chocolate when you return.

Image by Douglas Bagg

Walking in cold weather can make your heart work harder, so please do take your doctor’s advice if you have a heart condition.

2. Being outside in daylight boosts your mood…

It may look grey and gloomy outside, but seeking out limited vitamin D from the rays of sunshine fighting their way through the trees is still better for you than soaking up too much blue light from all your devices.

Coupled with mood-boosting benefits of activity and movement, walking outside connects you with nature and improves your creativity and productivity.

For more information on the brain boosting benefits of walking, check out Professor Shane O’Mara’s Blog

Image by @golimpio

3. You will see your local area in a different light…

Walking in the winter months enables you to see your local area in a completely different light, things look very different in the winter - colours change and new buildings and sights reveal themselves through leafless trees.

Usual paths are quieter, less people equals more opportunity to absorb your surroundings.

4. You will feel awesome on your return…

There is nothing quite like the feeling that follows you opening the door to your home after a bracing walk when the blood flows back into your cheeks, and the warmth envelopes you in a cuddle. If there is a big hot chocolate or freshly perked coffee waiting for you on your return, all the better. And you can spend the rest of the day feeling virtuous and slightly smug for having got outside and active.

5. You don’t have to kickstart your fitness programme …again…in the Spring

Keeping moving throughout the winter months, maintains a core level of activity which means that building your fitness from a standing start in the Spring becomes a thing of the past.

Your body and mind will thank you for maintaining an exercise habit, all year round.

NETwalking sessions will continue throughout the winter, connecting you with other people to reduce the excuses and keep you moving.