Club Synergy

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The Benefits of Group Accountability Sessions

“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result” - Bob Proctor

Working from home and in need of a kick-start to your productivity, a healthy dose of accountability, and a way to shrink your to-do list?

Then group accountability sessions could be the solution you’re looking for!

Never heard of it before? Here’s why group accountability sessions could be your new favourite working style.

First of all: what on earth is Group Accountability?

Group accountability sessions function for different reasons, but the premise is always the same. A group of people will meet regularly and share their dreams, frustrations, and the goals they are working towards.

Typically, group accountability sessions are business related. A group of supportive, like-minded business owners who meet frequently to tackle tricky tasks.

These sessions are particularly useful for tasks that require concentration but aren’t super urgent; those pesky actions that slip out of focus when more time sensitive matters arise. Examples could be:

• General admin

• Updating your business plan

• Creating content.

You could have one-off requirements each time or be chipping away at a longer-term project. Ultimately, if you’re ready to try something different to get productive, then this is the session for you.

Why does Group Accountability work?

The main reason that these sessions work is in the name – accountability. At the beginning, you will set your intentions of what you want to achieve. Then all you need to do is achieve it! You can bounce ideas off other people, get feedback, and gain inspiration from those around you. You will have people asking if you achieved what you set out to. If you haven’t, you have a safe space to explore why.

As soon as you speak your goals out loud and share them with others, you immediately hold yourself to a different standard. The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) found that people are 65% more likely to reach their goals once they’ve shared them with others.

You need to show up when you’re around other people. Tasks are easily put off when we’re alone.

You are the average of the people you spend the most time with.

Their behaviour automatically influences yours, and you feed off their energy. Surrounding yourself with like-minded and supportive people is so important – especially when you’re struggling with motivation! A group accountability session helps you learn from those who might be a few steps ahead of you, or give you a different perspective.

Plus, it isn’t just about you.

Everyone else there needs support too! So, you get the positive feelings of helping others achieve their goals, while smashing yours in the process. You’ll come away from each session with a real spring in your step!

Group Accountability Sessions – The Club Synergy Way!

Here at Club Synergy, we know the benefits of group accountability sessions – so we decided to create our own. With a fitness twist, of course!

The combination of a mental and physical workout allows every participant to take advantage of increased focus, energy level and problem-solving capabilities.

It can be easy to procrastinate not just on your business tasks, but on exercise too. It’s all too tempting to cancel a workout, postpone a run or neglect our daily walk because we think we don’t have time to get it done. With these sessions, you are intentionally carving out time to work on your body, mind, and business. And all it takes is 90 minutes!

Here’s a brief lowdown of how our ‘Active Accountability’ sessions work:

Challenge: We spend the first 10 minutes introducing ourselves, sharing the exercise we’ll complete, and the work task we intend to work on.

Sweat: The next 40 minutes are spent clearing our heads with the power of exercise. Run, walk, cycle, or work out online – the choice is yours. Sweat is encouraged, but not mandatory!

Accomplish: Cobwebs blown out, we spend the next 35 minutes reconnecting online and working on our tasks

Accountability: We spend the final 5 minutes checking in to talk about how we did. Good or bad, we’re all there to support each other!


Hopefully this blog has convinced you that group accountability sessions could be your golden ticket to increased productivity and a smaller to-do list – plus a group of supportive fellow-business owners and fun workout too!

Still not convinced? Check out what Elizabeth, one of our Club Synergy members, had to say about the ‘Active Accountability’ sessions:

“The short but focused time period allows a big task to be done and provides group accountability and support. The adrenaline hit during the last session helped me respond to a negative work conversation in a productive and authoritative but empathetic manner. The conversation ended on a relatively positive note instead.”

Club Synergy Active Accountability Sessions run every week at the following times:

• Monday, 10.30am – 12pm

• Tuesday, 8.30am – 10am

• Wednesday, 8.30am – 10am

• Thursday, 8.30am – 10am

And luckily for you, you can try one out for yourself with our 14-day free trial!

Get in touch today to organise yours – we can’t wait to welcome you along.