Club Synergy

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Gin, Gumption and a Trip Down the Rabbit Hole!

“ ‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’’

Lewis Carroll; Through the Looking Glass

Thursday morning during Active Accountability is usually blog writing time. For a few weeks, I’ve had writer’s block and have prioritised other things in the Thursday morning slot.

Aiming to overcome my procrastination, I came up with the idea to ask those joining me for Active Account ability for a word or phrase to prompt a blog which would be written by the end of the session. So in a flood of creativity (?) , fuelled by post-exercise endorphins, what you are about to read is the result of the suggested prompt - SPIRIT.

As this word was suggested by someone who has plenty of it and often inspires others to dig deep and find theirs - gumption - was the first synonym that came to me.

Quickly two other meanings followed:

  • Alcohol

  • The root of spirituality

I know that I enjoy the occasional glass of gin or red wine and keeping the spiritual side of life topped up through meditation features strongly too. In the words of the late Meat Loaf - 2 out of 3 Aint Bad, but can I genuinely lay claim on having gumption? And what exactly is GUMPTION? In processing the prompt spirit, why did that particular word bubble up for me? And what words would other people initially associate with SPIRIT.

If you have followed this rather jumbled glimpse into the inner workings of my brain (and please forgive this very indulgent “ME” blog), then you might just be a step ahead in linking the title, quote and image at the top of this outpouring with what comes next…

How do I know that the people I am communicating with attribute the same meaning to word that I do?

In saying “I think you’re full of spirit” to someone I think of as positive, get-going and adventurous, lies the possibility of them thinking I’m accusing them of having one too many at lunch! A frivolous example you may think, your tone and non-verbal cues will convey the accurate message you mean surely Kelly? I hear you ask……But how can you be sure that your message has been received as intended?

And don’t get me started on the over-thinking and second guessing that accompanies the radio silence following a text message that you’ve now re-read and have entered full scale panic mode thinking about all the ways the recipient could see it as rude, unthoughtful, uncaring etc….And of course that’s the reason why they haven’t replied in the 10 minutes since you sent it…

Or is it just me…?