Finding Your Tribe: Networking Tips for Small Business Owners

by @soyhivan

As a small business owner, it’s normal to feel a wee bit lonely at times.

If you’re used to a bustling office and then you transition to working alone, it’s normal to want to find like-minded people you can celebrate with and confide in.

One of the best ways to find your people is through networking.

And successful networking is so much more than going to an event, handing out your business card and ‘elevator pitching’ to anyone that will listen.

Not quite sure where to start?

Here are some networking tips for small business owners, that will hopefully help you find your supportive tribe.

Attend a Variety of Events.

If you’re new to networking, it’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed.

From speed networking to in-person meet-ups and online meetings, there are soooo many events out there!

When you’re starting out, sample a few to see what you like the best. A good place to start can be industry-specific events that complement your services, and professional organisations that host regular networking events.

You need to find events that fit your schedule and your business type. However, you should also prioritise meeting like-minded people – these connections can be so crucial in the good times and the bad.

Do Your Homework.

Once you have signed up for an event, try and find out a bit more about it.

For example, can you find out the names of other attendees in advance? This would help use your time in the best way, as you will arrive knowing exactly who you want to talk to.

Think about People, Rather than Clients.

The real key to finding your tribe in business is getting to know people.

Think about it – approaching someone new, immediately pitching your services and thrusting a business card into their hand isn’t that natural, is it?

You need to talk to people about your business, as you never know the business they could send your way. Or they might become a client themselves!

But to feel like they can recommend you, they need to feel like they know you personally.

So take some time to find out more about your new connection – interests and hobbies, how they spend their time when they aren’t working. Then you can move on to how you can work together.

Oh, and make sure you speak to new people at every event you attend. It might feel scary at first, but you never know whom you will meet!

Connect After Events.

The secret of good networking is that the events are only the beginning. Building strong relationships and finding your people come later.

If you’ve met some people that you particularly liked, or spotted someone who gave off good energy, reach out to them and ask for an individual meeting.

You can have these meetings on Zoom for efficiency, plus if you meet online, you could be hundreds of miles away from each other!

But I’d always suggest meeting in person where you can. Having a proper blether over a coffee or lunch is where you have the chance to talk about anything and everything. In my experience, that’s where some of the strongest relationships are forged.

Remain Consistent.

Building relationships takes time – you can’t go to one networking event and expect to walk away with a bunch of lifelong friends.

When you find the networking events that work for you, try to go along as often as you can. The more you show up, the more people will start to recognise you and what you do.

So even if you’ve been networking for a while and you don’t feel like you’ve found your people yet, keep at it! Go into every event with a positive attitude and a big smile on your face – people will naturally gravitate towards your warm and friendly presence.

Hopefully, this blog has given you a few nuggets to help you approach future networking groups, and find your supportive community in the process.

Networking doesn’t have to be something you dread. It can be loads of fun! You just need to find the right group of people.

If you’re interested in trying some supportive networking with like-minded small business owners – and a bit of exercise thrown into the mix for good measure –then I would love to welcome you to a Club Synergy session very soon.

From netwalking to yoga, and active accountability, there’s something that will suit you. If you would like to find out more, let’s book a call and I’ll walk you (both literally and physically) through the options.