The Power of Marginal Gains

Have you heard the story of Dr Catherine Walter, the 72 year old with the bone density of a 21 year old?

Neither had I until yesterday, when Jo MacSween, a Vistage Chair kicked off her presentation at the RBS Boost your Business event yesterday. (It was an outstanding event by the way and I can thoroughly recommend going along to other events organised by this team, find out more here)

Jo used Dr Walter’s story to illustrate the power of marginal gains in life and in business. This amazing woman, who holds world records for squat, deadlift and bench press in her age and weight categories, only started lifting at the age of 65. Her first lift - 30kg. Now she squats 100kg.

There are so many lessons to take from Dr Walter’s story

  • it’s never too take to start anything

  • little improvements every day add up to significant gains

  • resistance is not futile…. when it's used for power lifting!!

If you would like to read more, you can pick up the story HERE

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