Is your word choice impacting your stress level?

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They’re often out before we know it, those tired and tested phases we utter before we realise exactly what we have said, like:

  • “Not bad”

  • “Too busy”

  • “It’s a nightmare!”

in response to someone asking about you, your work or your latest project.

I’m sure you will have a few of your own stock responses you can add to the list above.

Neuroscience research reveals that negative words release stress

In their neuroscience experiment, “Do Words Hurt?”, Maria Richter and collaborating scientists monitored subjects’ brain responses to auditory and imagined negative words. During this process, they discovered painful or negative words increase Implicit Processing (IMP) within the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sACC).

In simple terms  negative words release stress and anxiety-inducing hormones in subjects whether spoken, heard or thought.

How can I change this and choose positive language?

  • Become aware of your word choices though meditation - sitting quietly with the aim of watching your thoughts has an uncanny way of wakening you up to your internal dialogue, is that dialogue full of negative word choices?

  • Be mindful in your next conversation - pause for 2 seconds before responding automatically.

  • Look back on old emails - can you spot your negative word patterns?

Practice some of these alternative phrases

TRY “I could do with more energy” INSTEAD OF “I’m so tired.”

TRY “This could be more interesting” INSTEAD OF “I’m bored”

TRY “I could do with more money” INSTEAD OF “I’m skint”

TRY “I know what to do to succeed next time” INSTEAD OF “I’m a failure”

We would love to hear how you get on, leave us a comment.

Kelly HoustonComment