Essential reads to help you build new habits

Image by Lala Azizli

Image by Lala Azizli

Look closely at the pile of books in the image above and you will spot my all time favourite book on the topic of habits - how we develop them, how we can change them and what you can do to make new habits stick.

That book is Atomic Habits by James Clear. There is a storytelling approach to the narrative which brings the text to life and makes it relatable. Check out the video below to hear one of the stories that really landed with me. It illustrates the importance of tiny steps repeated often to successfully build new habits.

While I make no secret of my love for this work by James Clear, their are other texts that have unlocked and sharpened my understanding of different elements of the psychology of habit.

If you are seeking to understand why you are having difficulty getting started with a new habit try:

The Now Habit by Dr Neil Fiore

If you are looking for ideas to get you started on developing new routines and how to track and measure habits try:

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

If your interest lies in the research and science behind habit formation try:

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Harnessing the power of micro habits is a central principle behind the success of “The Club” Networkout. Helping you identify, commit to and integrate those tiny habits that will make a big difference to your life and business.