3 questions to help define your purpose

By Melinda Gimpel

One of the frequent challenges that people bring to Active Coaching sessions is around identifying purpose or gaining a sense of positive direction in life or business.

What is my purpose?

A question that has been asked time and time again by many of us. We journal about it, seek coaching input to help define it and yet the answer often remains elusive.

So perhaps the answer lies in changing the question…..substituting the weighty, meaning of life type question with probes that prompt a response that comes much easier and increases our awareness of what a purposeful life might look like for us.

Here are 3 questions that have made me stop and think about what is important to me, I hope that they help unlock another part of the purpose puzzle for you too.

  • If you could only support one cause or charity for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  • What about your life today would make your 9-year old self cry?

  • What activities or interests absorb you so much you forget to eat?

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