Posts tagged branding
What comes first - brand colours or brand personality?
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In recent weeks, I’ve been really getting to know my brand on the run up to a brand photography shoot. As this is a significant investment for me, I spent many a sleepless night pondering this question…

How do I know if my brand colours really sum up the Club Synergy Personality? And given that currently Club Synergy is pretty much me…do they represent my personality.

In trying to answer this question, I trawled the internet, googled furiously and became more and more confused by the myriad images, articles and photographs all claiming to share the secret of success through colour psychology.

While I don’t doubt for a minute that colours have an impact on our mood, I can’t really get behind the notion that the same colour invokes the same emotion in each of us.

For everyone that thinks that Duck Egg is Dependable, there will be someone else that believes Blue is Boring! You could argue that dependable and boring are two sides of the same coin and how you see it will be determined by what YOU value.

And so to the question, what do I value and how is this expressed through my personality?

I value:

  • being outside in the fresh air - according to the colour charts that means GREEN

  • being helpful - according to the charts that means some hue of PINK

  • having time to meditate and connect with the Universe - uh oh….PURPLE

  • being active and energetic and encouraging others to do the same - hmmmmm RED

  • living with integrity - that would be BLUE

So if I am my brand, my brand colour is a RAINBOW and yet here I am with YELLOW ….

I value:

  • being outside in the fresh air and sunshine - YELLOW

  • helping others to find the sunshine in their day, week, month - YELLOW

  • feeling the sunlight on my face while meditating - YELLOW

  • being active and energetic and encouraging others to do the same, usually outdoors -YELLOW

  • living with integrity, telling my truth, facing up to small mistakes before they become big ones - YELLOW

And did I mention, I LOVE yellow!