Posts tagged diary management
Active Coaching - Is it for me?
Active Business Coaching

You’ve spent the last 3 months juggling working from home and keeping your business afloat with home schooling, caring for relatives and the more vulnerable members of your community. You’ve promised yourself you’ll get out for that walk or run tomorrow, but tomorrow comes and you’re back on the hamster wheel again.

If this sounds familiar then Active Coaching is 100% for you, I take the guilt out of “me time” by combining your desire to exercise and spend time outdoors with working on your business, leaving you just that little bit more time to tackle that to do list!

What is Active Coaching?

Active coaching is life or business coaching ‘on the move’.

As an active coaching client you decide whether you would like to spend the session walking, jogging or running. We will work together to find an enjoyable route and decide on the level of intensity on the day based on your energy levels.

After a short check-in session where we will explore and agree the business/life focus for the session, we will set out on foot for up to 45 minutes. While walking, expect challenging questions asked with empathy to get to the root of what’s on your mind, explore potential solutions, weigh up those solutions and ultimately agree your course of action.

Here’s a short video that sums things up.

How will I feel after the session?

You will leave the session lighter (of mind, I can’t promise any weight loss!), energised and ready to get to work on your action plan.

The combination of exercise, fresh air, a listening ear and constructive questioning can make a significant difference to your energy levels.

Research shows that in the two hours post exercise we experience better mood, faster reaction times and an improved ability to shift and focus attention. The ideal time to put your plan in action.

Energising Life Coaching

Can I access active coaching from anywhere?

Covering the central belt of Scotland for face to face active coaching and using an online to on-foot, on the ‘phone model for the rest of the UK, I’ll make sure you have guilt-free, productive “me-time” in your currently over-stuffed week. I understand, I’ve been there!
