The Impact of Walking on Your Circadian Rhythm

walking at sunrise

We hear people talk, day in and day out, about how good walking is for us.

And it’s true! Taking a stroll outside has a heap of benefits for our bodies, inside and out.

Walking has a positive impact on our mental health, increases our strength, and is a low-impact way of releasing feel-good endorphins into our bodies.

But, did you know that the secret to getting the most benefits out of a walk, is to take yours as soon as you wake up?

This might sound silly – what does the time of day have to do with anything?

Well, it turns out the time of day you take your walk has an impact on everything.

And it’s all to do with something called your ‘circadian rhythm’.

Ready to learn more?

Let’s dive straight in!

Okay Kelly, what is my ‘circadian rhythm’?

Here comes the sciencey bit. Stay with me – it’s worth it, I promise!

Each one of us has a circadian rhythm, which has a huge influence on our sleeping patterns, body temperature, eating habits, and hormones.

The circadian rhythm is controlled in the brain, and the thing that affects it the most is light.

We are wired to sleep when it is dark and be awake when it is light - so when it is dark outside, our eyes get our body to release melatonin to help us sleep.

When our eyes see light, they send signals to the brain to do the exact opposite.

Our bodies are brilliant, aren’t they?

So, why specifically should we walk early in the morning?

Our sensitivity to light is at its lowest in the morning.

The cooler, blue morning light alerts our brain that it’s time to get up and start the day.

If you head out to get some fresh air and exercise first thing in the morning (within an hour of waking up is the sweet spot), you set up your circadian rhythm for the rest of the day, which then positively influences all the factors mentioned above.

Try not to wear sunglasses on your morning walk, to give your eyes the best chance of soaking up the blue light rays. Of course, if it’s a dazzling day and the sun could cause UV damage, then pop those shades on. Safety comes first!

One thing to be aware of: this blue light can be found in unnatural places too...such as our phones or device screens.

So, if you’re scrolling on your phone late at night or squeezing in one more episode of that show you love, you might struggle to sleep. Your body is convincing itself that it’s time to wake up instead!

Why is this important?

Scientific research has established direct links between health concerns, such as diabetes, depression, and obesity with our circadian rhythm being out of whack.

Psychologically, heading out quickly after waking up is important too. The earlier you commit to getting outside, the more likely you are to follow through. Plus, if you’re active in the morning, you have the momentum to continue that way for the rest of the day.

Your morning walk doesn’t need to take hours. If you’re pushed for time, just fifteen minutes is enough to get that hit of vitamin D and regulate your circadian rhythm.

Melatonin being released at the right time also sets us up much better for a good night’s sleep.

Is walking the only physical activity that influences my circadian rhythm?

Definitely not!

My preference is walking, but that doesn’t mean that yours needs to be. Hike, jog, run, cycle – you could even rollerblade or skateboard!

The most important thing is taking the time to feel the sun on your face, wake your body up in a natural way, and get yourself set up for the day.

And if you are interested in finding out more about the benefits of walking specifically, check out this super helpful article from My Fitness Pal.


Hopefully, this blog has encouraged you to hop out of bed with a spring in your step to get some fresh air tomorrow morning.

If you fancy:

• Getting your steps in

• Improving your physical and mental health

• Making new business connections

Our popular Netwalking sessions let you do it all at the same time!

A Netwalking session pretty much does what it says on the tin – you get the opportunity to do your business talking, while you’re walking!

Running every Monday morning from 8.30am – 10am, these sessions have been set up to get your week off to a great start with a productive, friendly conversation as you get your steps in, and maximise the positive benefits on your circadian rhythm.

Ready to kick-start your working week by walking and talking to help your body and business? Get in touch to book your first Netwalk here.