5 ways to improve your day in 10 minutes (or less)

Very Hygge!

We all know it, our social media feeds are full of quotes about the importance of it, yet we seldom make time to actually do it.

I’m referring to self-care - engaging in activities that make our hearts sing, replenish us and leave us with just that bit more in the tank to help us, help others.

Sometimes it’s difficult to get started, to give yourself permission to do something or take time out just for you, but what if those things directly or indirectly helped others too? If that sounds like a winning combination, then read on to discover 5 ways to fill your cup and trigger feel-good hormones in 10 minutes or less.

1. Re-connect

Choose a number between 1 and 100, pick up your mobile and scroll to the name in your contact list that corresponds with the number selected. Now send that person a “thinking of you” message…just because! Then sit back and wait for the magic to happen.

Disclaimer: If the number happens to be your electricity provider, recent ex or IT support helpline…please select another number and try again…being accused of stalking will not fill your cup ;)

2. Try a gratitude walk

Commit to a 10 minute gratitude walk. This could stand alone or be part of a longer walk. The goal is to think about and name things you are grateful for for the full 10 mins. I guarantee you’ll return all a-glow.

3. Remember to breathe….deeply

Set 3- 4 alarms on your mobile phone for roughly 3 hours apart.

Use the label BREATHE - when the alarm goes off stop and take 2 mins to breathe deeply and slowly from the belly.

Your parasympathetic nervous system will thank you.

4. Forgive someone

I’ve heard it said that “holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”.

Forgiveness IS self-care.

Bring to mind someone who you are currently feeling negative about. Then for 10 mins, list all their positive attributes, contribution they have made to your life, lessons they have taught you. You need do nothing with this information or act on anything that comes up. The choice and power is entirely yours.

For a double-whammy of feel good, do this while walking, running, cycling, swimming…you get the picture!

5. Bring some fun to your to-dos

  • Instead of writing today's to-do list on paper or in your productivity app, try this.

  • Gather some post it notes and colourful pens.

  • Write down each task on a separate post-it note.

  • Draw a 4 box matrix on a large sheet of paper or whiteboard and give each of the quadrants one of these labels. DO, DELEGATE, DUMP, DELAY.

And now to play the game. The aim of the game is to have as few post it notes in the DO quadrant as possible.

  • A post-it note that should only go in the do quadrant if it's absolutely has to be done by you, it has to be done today and there are negative consequences of not doing it.

  • Once all post it notes are allocated, hand over all those in the delegate quadrant, bin those in the dump quadrant, hide from site all those in the delay quadrant.

  • Then pick off the post it in the do quadrant one by one do the task, then rip them up...very satisfying and reduces the sense of overwhelm from looking at a long list.

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