How to Build a Running Habit (And it might not be what you think!) Part 1

Some say that the act of running isn’t the hardest part of starting to run, it’s getting out the front door!

In this series of short posts I’ll help you establish a running habit. Unlike many beginner running articles we WON’T start with the first step outside but rather by tackling some of the obstacles that lurk behind the front door so that you can smooth the pathway to progress.

I’ll get this out there from the get-go. There will be times when you question the relevance of the tips shared. If you stick with the series there will be times when you feel frustrated and feel like you’re getting nowhere. Please trust the process - it brings together all the cornerstones I have used personally to start and keep me running as well as maintain an early morning walk, meditation practice and learning a new language.

Let’s get started…

Grab yourself a notebook (great excuse to buy a new one….stationery addiction anyone?). This first task is simple in one respect and massive in another. It won’t take you long to do and, as promised, doesn’t require any movement apart from your pen! But it will set the scene and give you a point of reference as things get more challenging.

Think about your ultimate running goals and complete this sentence.

By the end of this month I will…

This might be a distance goal, for example:

  • ‘Get out and cover one mile’.

It might be activity or pace related, for example:

  • ‘To run, walk, jog or jeff a mile'‘.

Jeffing is a run/walk technique developed by Olympian, Jeff Galloway which allows runners to build stamina and distance with much less strain. I’ve used the technique to help me complete many a marathon.

Or you might prefer a frequency goall:

  • ‘ To run 2 times a week irrespective of distance covered’.

Now it’s time to think about and WRITE DOWN your reasons for wanting to achieve your ultimate running goal. Here are some prompts to help you:

  • In what ways will your life be better for achieving this goal?

  • What benefits will it bring?

  • What impact will it have on your day to day?

  • What possibilities will it open up for you?

  • Is this goal linked to an even bigger ‘ONE DAY’ goal?

And if you want to share your thoughts with me, you can email me at I’d love to read them and promise to get back to you.

See you again soon for part 2!


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