How to Build a Running Habit - Part 2

If you caught Part 1 you’ll know that this series of shorts blogs approaches starting running from a bit of a different standpoint. (Pun very much intended!).

Part 1 focused on getting really clear about our real reasons for wanting to start a running habit, in part 2 we explore what has stopped us from starting in the past, the things that have derailed previous attempts so that we can make the path to success sooooo much smoother.

Are you prepared to be really honest with yourself?

Note down all the reasons AND EXCUSES (you know which are which!) that have prevented you from developing a running habit in the past.

The purpose of writing these down is to uncover clues about where we really need to start with building our running habit. In the days to come you may be surprised to learn that the first step in your running journey is actually something that seems totally unconnected to your desired end goal….trust the process when those doubts pop up.

Sit with your list over the course of a few hours or even days and add to it as things come to mind.

There will be some things on the list that you might feel embarrassed about or question why you can’t seem to get over the barrier. This is 100% to be expected and is shared by almost all people, if not in relation to running, then certainly about another healthy habit that is proving challenging to embed.

Finding a way to overcome these things on your list is at the heart of priming you for success this time around.

As always, you can get me at with any questions.

See you for part 3 soon,
