Posts tagged membership
Our 5 principles for a great membership experience.
Picture by Alex Ortlieb

Picture by Alex Ortlieb

Here at Club Synergy, we develop relationships with our members based on these 5 principles. We wanted to share them with you as we think that they’re pretty good principles for any relationship…

  1. When it feels like things are going well, let’s celebrate and learn from the good stuff.

  2. When it feels like things are not working, let’s talk about it and sort it out. If it can’t be sorted, let’s part with grace.

  3. The best place for egos is on the pages of Sigmund Freud textbooks.

  4. Feedback is a gift. Sometimes it’s carefully gift-wrapped, sometimes handed over in a tatty carrier bag but always heartfelt and intended to be useful and/or beautiful.

  5. Admitting you don’t know stuff takes courage, let’s make it easy for each other to be brave.