Posts tagged networking
9 signs that you might be slipping back into "busyness" and overwork

By Tim Gouw

You slumped into December feeling overworked and frazzled and promised yourself that this year will be different. That you won’t succumb to the culture of busyness and will protect your time, space and energy. The first step in mastering this is awareness. Knowing when you are showing the signs of sliding back to that place of overwhelm and overwork can be challenging, it creeps up on us minute by minute, email by email, this article shares some insights to help you recognise when you’re working too hard.

Overworking is rapidly becoming so prevalent that it’s being normalised. Resting, relaxing and recreation (yes that’s re-creation of our selves!) are an essential part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

It is not lazy to switch off your mobile in the evening, It is not lazy to skip a work-out one day because your body is screaming at you that it needs to rest. Feeling “tired but wired” is a sign of adrenal stress and is NOT an indicator that you are weak or not coping.

Here are 9 indicators that you are working too hard

  1. Experiencing difficulty relaxing or switching off

  2. Feeling like there are not enough hours in the day

  3. Difficulty asking for help

  4. Feeling overwhelmed by your never ending to-do list

  5. Feeling like you are always “on the back foot”

  6. Being irritable towards those closest to you

  7. Craving sugar

  8. Not sleeping well (tired but wired)

  9. Relying on coffee to get you through the day

By Kobby Mendes

Four ways to bring more balance into your life - and we don’t mean balancing donuts!

  • Schedule rest and relaxation time into your week as a priority. Protect this space in the same way you would a meeting with an important client. YOU are your most important client.

  • Consider using a default diary approach to your calendar. Productivity Coach, Kate Galbally shares how in this blog.

  • It may seem counter productive, but down tools and go for a walk.

  • Share how you are feeling with someone you trust

Our NETwalking sessions are a great way to help you get out for that much needed walk with great company.

Gym not for you? Try NIA...
NIA, a blend of yoga, martial arts and dance

NIA, a blend of yoga, martial arts and dance

Nia translates from Swahili as “with purpose”. It a non-impact aerobic way of moving that combines yoga, martial arts and dance. Even more unique is the instruction methodology where class participants are positively encouraged to make movement their own, taking the essence of each part of a routine, rather than focusing on following the instructor’s every move.

Instructor Ruth, from TRuthful Rhythms describes the benefits of Nia…

“If you want a class focused more on your heart than your heart rate; if a more nurturing, less punishing, workout sounds appealing, then Nia is for you.

 The Nia Technique is a revolutionary way to get fit combining moves from the dance arts, healing arts, such as yoga, and martial arts, including tai chi, moving to music.  Nia offers holistic conditioning and a connection to pleasure – created as an alternative to the “no pain, no gain” attitude to fitness, it is designed to nourish and nurture your body now and in the future.  Follow the pleasure principle – if it feels good, do it: if it doesn’t, stop.  The result is a fusion of movement styles that is more free than other cardiovascular exercises.

Usually practiced barefoot, it is low impact, improves your flexibility, agility, mobility, stability and strength, and every movement can be adapted to individual needs and abilities.  No previous dance experience required.

With the philosophy “Through Movement We Find Health”, Nia classes empower people of all ages, shapes, and sizes by addressing the whole person through music and movement, connecting the body, mind, emotions, and spirit.  Stop exercising.  Start moving.  Use your body the way it was designed to be used, and positively shape the way you feel, look, think, and live.”

If you would like to try Nia for yourself, you are invited to join us for a complementary Nia NETworkout session on 14th July from 12-2pm. During the session we will explore life/work blocks and then apply the creativity and energy generated by a Nia class to find ways to reduce or remove these blocks. NETworkouts are hosted online.

For more information email Kelly at or complete our contact form.