Posts tagged fit for business
6 Tips to help you get out and get active in lockdown OR How to kick your own ass out the door!
The outdoors beckons…

The outdoors beckons…

Despite theoretically having “more time” due to Lockdown, getting out the door for our daily activity can be more challenging than wrestling an X-box from a teenager during (ah-hem) home schooling hours!

Here are 6 tips to help you get out and get active…

  • Put your daily activity in your calendar as a meeting, it IS a meeting - with yourself. And that hour in the fresh air is a sure-fire way of bringing your best-self back to the next webinar or to those you are sharing your physical space with.

  • Set yourself mini-challenges over a week. For example, try to cover more distance in the 60 minutes suggested. You’ll be less inclined to miss a day!

  • Connect with others (virtually) to share great routes that are less busy, scenic and enjoyable Perhaps set virtual challenges with your online pals too. Try Strava if you’re not already signed up. The free version is brilliant, find it in your app store, and no I’m not on commission!

  • It might be raining but you probably have an umbrella or jacket! Get out anyway. Fresh air and an elevated heart rate WILL wake up those endorphins and you’ll be much more productive on your return.

  • Put your running gear/walking shoes etc beside your toothbrush the night before, nothing like a visual reminder first thing in the morning to nag you into action!

  • Keep track of the time of day that you feel LEAST energised for a few days and decide to set your activity time to coincide if possible. It’s better than falling asleep in yet another Zoom meeting!

Gym not for you? Try NIA...
NIA, a blend of yoga, martial arts and dance

NIA, a blend of yoga, martial arts and dance

Nia translates from Swahili as “with purpose”. It a non-impact aerobic way of moving that combines yoga, martial arts and dance. Even more unique is the instruction methodology where class participants are positively encouraged to make movement their own, taking the essence of each part of a routine, rather than focusing on following the instructor’s every move.

Instructor Ruth, from TRuthful Rhythms describes the benefits of Nia…

“If you want a class focused more on your heart than your heart rate; if a more nurturing, less punishing, workout sounds appealing, then Nia is for you.

 The Nia Technique is a revolutionary way to get fit combining moves from the dance arts, healing arts, such as yoga, and martial arts, including tai chi, moving to music.  Nia offers holistic conditioning and a connection to pleasure – created as an alternative to the “no pain, no gain” attitude to fitness, it is designed to nourish and nurture your body now and in the future.  Follow the pleasure principle – if it feels good, do it: if it doesn’t, stop.  The result is a fusion of movement styles that is more free than other cardiovascular exercises.

Usually practiced barefoot, it is low impact, improves your flexibility, agility, mobility, stability and strength, and every movement can be adapted to individual needs and abilities.  No previous dance experience required.

With the philosophy “Through Movement We Find Health”, Nia classes empower people of all ages, shapes, and sizes by addressing the whole person through music and movement, connecting the body, mind, emotions, and spirit.  Stop exercising.  Start moving.  Use your body the way it was designed to be used, and positively shape the way you feel, look, think, and live.”

If you would like to try Nia for yourself, you are invited to join us for a complementary Nia NETworkout session on 14th July from 12-2pm. During the session we will explore life/work blocks and then apply the creativity and energy generated by a Nia class to find ways to reduce or remove these blocks. NETworkouts are hosted online.

For more information email Kelly at or complete our contact form.