Posts tagged well-being
6 Tips to help you get out and get active in lockdown OR How to kick your own ass out the door!
The outdoors beckons…

The outdoors beckons…

Despite theoretically having “more time” due to Lockdown, getting out the door for our daily activity can be more challenging than wrestling an X-box from a teenager during (ah-hem) home schooling hours!

Here are 6 tips to help you get out and get active…

  • Put your daily activity in your calendar as a meeting, it IS a meeting - with yourself. And that hour in the fresh air is a sure-fire way of bringing your best-self back to the next webinar or to those you are sharing your physical space with.

  • Set yourself mini-challenges over a week. For example, try to cover more distance in the 60 minutes suggested. You’ll be less inclined to miss a day!

  • Connect with others (virtually) to share great routes that are less busy, scenic and enjoyable Perhaps set virtual challenges with your online pals too. Try Strava if you’re not already signed up. The free version is brilliant, find it in your app store, and no I’m not on commission!

  • It might be raining but you probably have an umbrella or jacket! Get out anyway. Fresh air and an elevated heart rate WILL wake up those endorphins and you’ll be much more productive on your return.

  • Put your running gear/walking shoes etc beside your toothbrush the night before, nothing like a visual reminder first thing in the morning to nag you into action!

  • Keep track of the time of day that you feel LEAST energised for a few days and decide to set your activity time to coincide if possible. It’s better than falling asleep in yet another Zoom meeting!

Why Club Synergy? - My Story
My Journey to Club Synergy.png

It’s an overused word, but I am passionate about the impact of exercise on physical AND mental well-being.

I became a runner in later life.  For a long time, I was reluctant to even use the word runner to describe myself (a bit rich for someone who makes a living from helping business owners to smash their limiting beliefs!)

It is often said that running finds you and this was the case for me. In 2006, I was a lone parent to three daughters, trying to make enough money through my small learning and development consultancy to put food on the table. This was in stark contrast to my early years in business which, given the household income at the time, was truly a “lifestyle” one. Perhaps rather ironically, while I wasn’t worried about money, work flooded in and I could pick and choose projects.

A change of circumstances and I HAD to make my business work…

Once money, or rather lack of, came strongly into focus for me, work began to dry up. I was transmitting an air of desperation, cutting my fees to secure work, and grabbing anything available.  The result – a frazzled, broke, joyless mum and business owner.

I discovered the power of exercise as a “reluctant” runner…

In 2006 I was challenged to enter the Women’s 10K by my youngest daughter’s nursery teacher and help her raise funds for The Beatson – our local cancer treatment facility.  Her mum had died earlier in the year and she wanted to do something to thank the centre.  As someone who was always last picked for games in PE and who struggled to run after three lively young children, this was a significant ask of me.  But who can refuse a request like that?

That day my life changed for the better.  As I started training for the 10k, I discovered something that drives the Club Synergy model today.  At the time, I didn’t know what was happening at a neurological level, I just knew that the headspace and me-time I was gaining while out running was having an amazing effect on me. Positively impacting focus, productivity, creativity and ultimately my personal and business fitness. This allowed me to ditch the guilt I had been carrying about taking time out for myself.  

Talking to people about the positive impact of running on my mind, body and business led to the creation of an activity-based charity in 2012…and a new husband!

Running changed my life and lives of thousands of others through the 5x50 Challenge…

The 5x50 Challenge was undertaken by thousands of people across the globe and raised £250,000 for various charities. Mark, now my husband, got a 4 for the price of 1 bundle and a shed! 

Over 20 years of supporting overwhelmed, over-committed business owners and professionals

For 7 years my learning and development business, a personal commitment to exercise and developing the charity existed side by side until in September 2019 we had to take the difficult and upsetting decision to bring the 5x50 Challenge to an end. That provided a great business learning experience you can ask me about later!

Perhaps unsurprisingly, while out for a run as we were winding down the Charity, my mind connected a few dots and the Club Synergy concept was born.

  • I had been a frazzled business owner, largely unfrazzled by a commitment to exercise

  • I have coached many frazzled business owners and professionals and shared insights about the power of exercise

  • I love exercise and the outdoors

  • I love connecting people

  • I understand the positive impact of exercise on the brain, body and business


Why not combine all the above and offer networking and coaching on the move?